Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Creativity Description

While using and adventuring through SMART technologies on my computer, I found that there were so many things that you could do to make learning more interactive for your students. There are so many different options for every subject that you may possibly need, such as: history, science, geography, math, reading, and writing. It was really fun experimenting with the SMARTnotebook after seeing all of my teachers use it in high school, along with the teacher I interned with. I was successful in finding everything I needed to cover all the different subjects that I wanted to cover; however, I often found my computer was moving really slow because the software and my computer are not as compatible as it is with other computers.


Monday, October 15, 2012


Twitter can be used for multiple reasons. I use it as a way to keep up with my friends and family that I do not see as often as I would like. However, Twitter, can also be used to follow your favorite athletes, celebrities, and bands. Sometimes people even follow news channels like CBS, NBC, and ABC. 

Our Twitter Commercial

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Creative Innovation

I watched a video from the creative innovation 2011 convention. I watched a speaker names Roya Baghai talk about a group of young boys speak to a business board about how important they believed gender equality is. I think that the main message I got out of it is just how much someones creativity can impact society, and that as people grow older they tend to lose sight of how important it is to be creative.

Just think back to when you were little and everything was so simple, you think it and then you act. Like coloring in a coloring book. It did not matter what color your dog was when you were little, if you wanted a pink dog that is what you colored. Would you still do that now? Or does your dog have to be black, brown, or white?

heres the link to the video if you are interested...


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Learning and Leading

1. The four dimensions that Guilford uses to describe creativity are fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.

2. I think that I probably struggle with originality the most out of the four dimensions. I have a hard time coming up with my own, unique ideas. I am more of the kind of person who sees something neat and tries to replicate the product. In addition, when I do think of something original, my ideas tend to be the ones that are disrupting.

3. I think that blogging in general would help with practically all of the four dimensions of creativity. I think that writing a blog enables someone to be able to create multiple ideas about a topic, allows them to see things from their own point of view, they are able to be unique and original on their ideas about different topics, and they can use as little or as much elaboration as they feel is necessary to make their ideas clear.

4. Word it out is a good tool for fluency and flexibility because it allows someone to brainstorm and generate as many short and to the point ideas about a topic that they can. Ideally, this tool would then create a better chance for elaboration because they could base their information off of their ideas on the words they came up with.

Monday, September 17, 2012

My Creative Endeavor

Today I drew and painted a picture for one of my friends bedroom. I generally just use painting as a way of escaping life and the tribulations in it, but today my painting had a purpose. I wanted to give her something that would not only remind her of me but also our all powerful God each and every day. I wanted it to be something that was meaningful and would be encouraging to look at on rough days. My final result is this....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Horizon Report

When I consider the technology of today, it is hard for me to imagine it getting any more advanced. There are so many different things that technology is used for, in education especially. This being said, I think that because technology can be used practically anywhere at anytime people have a hard time seperating school and work from their home life. Everywhere I look someone is using some form of technology, and to me it is slowly diminishing the time people used to use enjoying family, life, and the natural entertainment.

In addition, I think that some educators are requiring students to do too much work on their own. It is almost as if they are teaching themselves how to do school work sometimes. I do not think that it should be this way because some people just do not learn as well by themself.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Learning Experience

The Time I Learned to Ride A Bike

Everybody remembers when they are about five years old and their grandfather bought them new bike, right? That enormous amount of pride inside that tiny body insists on getting on the new bike and testing it out. They get on and they are ready to go, well they think they are. Little do they know sitting on the bike is just the beginning of a few scratched knees and a lot of bruises.
On my fifth birthday, this was the case for me. I had just received my first bicycle without training wheels and I could not wait to get on. At five years old I was in the typical do it myself stage, and I was not about to let anyone help me. I had been going through this stage for a long time and my family thought it was time to break out of it. This being the case, they sat back and let me try my bike out by myself. Let’s just say it was not the smoothest ride of my life.
Initially, I attempted to step onto my bike and in the process I fell multiple times. I could not even get onto the bicycle. My family just kept letting me go for about half an hour until I finally asked them for help. Let’s just say that I was quite the stubborn child at the age of five.
In the process of learning, I earned a pair of skinned knees, some bruises, and a hurt ego; at the time this was the worst pain I had ever felt at a given point in time. I was able to conquer the task by repetition. However, I think that the thing that helped me the most is to feel the comfort of someone guiding me through the experience.
I think that the lessons I learned through this experience are ones that I can still use today. I know that I would not be where I am without the support of the people around me, whether that be classmates, teammates, family, teachers, or coaches. Those are the people who help make us successful in life. Without them I would never try anything new because it would be ten times more intimidating.